Lubelski Pawilon Powietrza Formy Otwartej
Audio work / Sound walk accessible via Echoes app
Duration variable
Specific installation area: 40m long x 40m wide
Commissioned by Warsztaty Kultury (Culture Workshops) Lublin 2022 in discussion with architect Michal Fronk
Located at the Amphitheatre of Lubelska Spoldzielnia Mieszkaniowa (LSM, Lublin Housing Cooperative)
Launched 26 May 2022. Launch details
The Pavilion is easy to access, just:
1. Download the Echoes app
2. Grab a mobile phone & headphones
3. Download the audiowork in the app (not a browser) using the link or QR code & open while at LSM
Part of the pan-European Open Form Pavilion of Air series